SPORTS April 2001
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The country club school, the city kids, the snobby preps. These are not references we at Mason tend to associate with our student population, but the other schools in the Bull Run District have coined these names and use them repeatedly to describe George Mason students. 

Boys Soccer - Excellence in its Purest Form
by Robin Andrew Miller
The hunt for the State Championship is well underway yet again and things are looking optimistic already. For the third time in four years, the boys’ soccer team is deeply entrenched in preparations for defending the state title.

Lacrosse  by Richard Arndt
Unlike any other school in the Bull Run district, George Mason has brought in a new American ethnic sport. Lacrosse; the game of Native American Warriors has spread to the Mustang Athletic fields with boys and girls teams started as a lacrosse club last year by middle school psychical education Barbara Mahony.

Tennis '01
By Betsy Breen
The Bull Run District and Region B Champion boys and girls Varsity tennis teams from last season have returned a few people short, but with the same intensity and determination.

By R. Andrew Miller

Girls Soccer Defies Expectations
By R. Andrew Miller
The obstacles have been both difficult and plentiful so far this year, but the girls soccer team has managed to overcome thus far. 
