Opinion  April 2001
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By R. Andrew Miller and C.P. Geurtsen

How Certain Television Shows Have Shaped our Lives
"Beverly Hills: 22046?"
R. Andrew Miller
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Hollywood writers were frantically creating a new wave of television.

SAT Commentary
By Betsy Breen
The recent talk in California about abolishing the SAT has led to heated debate over whether the test is really necessary.

Richard Arndt
For years, millions of college-bound students have been taking the SATs. That long, strenuous test which supposedly determines your potential and plays a huge role in deciding what colleges you can attend. But is this fair?

Confessions of an Underachiever
By Hunter Binger Gray
Hello everyone. My name is Hunter, I’m 17 and I’m a self-proclaimed underachiever.