April 2001

  George Mason High School 

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How certain television shows have shaped our lives

"Beverly Hills: 22046?"

R. Andrew Miller

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Hollywood writers were frantically creating a new wave of television. The geniuses at Aaron Spelling Studios were busy conceiving "Beverly Hills 90210" and across town, Peter Engel and his staff at NBC were crafting another California High School show, "Saved By The Bell."

These two television shows had a significant affect on our early, pre-teen and teenage years. Regardless of whether or not Mason students choose to admit it, they all watched one or both of these shows on a consistent basis for some period of time. 

There were memorable scenes and episodes from both of these shows, all of which will forever be emblazoned in our minds and our hearts. For instance, no one can forget the passionate, ever-evolving love sagas between Brandon Walsh and Kelly Taylor, as well as Zack Morris and the vivacious Kelly Kapowski. I mean what young lad wasn’t absolutely head over heels for Kapowski? God knows I was. Who didn’t shed a tear when Dylan McKay’s father Jack (who had a nice mullet) was blown up, or when Dylan’s fiancee was blown up, or… well that’s about as far as the explosions go I guess. Dylan sure wasn’t the right guy to become friends with: you were either going to get sucked into a heroin ring or get blown up. 

These two shows dealt with a broad range of issues, from cheating to date rape to suicide. All our hearts were wrenched when Jessie Spano developed an addiction to caffeine pills and she sang a rousing rendition of "I’m So Excited" to Zack before breaking down in tears. Or when nearly all of the 90210 characters - save for Brandon of course - developed a drug addiction of some sort (see: David Silver, Kelly, Dylan, Valerie Malone, et al.) 

There was the constant source of compassion and comfort from the mainstay Studs and pillars of strength, Zack and Brandon. These two thirty-somethings playing teenagers almost always knew the right thing to do in any given situation (albeit Zack may have been slightly more mischievous than Brandon.) In addition to the inspiration and guidance they provided to young men everywhere, they also provided a sharp contrast to the oft-straying and mullet-wearing characters of A.C. Slater and Steve Sanders. Regardless of what sort of mishap these two crazy kids were involved in, Zack and Brandon were always there to clean up the mess.

Robin, sure all of these were great memories, but please tell me what the heck was up with the "Tori" episodes? Who was she and where did she come from? Why was she suddenly gone? And what was the deal with the fat Mr. Carosi at the Beach Club? He was silly. And whatever happened to Milo and Ms. Bliss?! To tell you the truth, I don’t know… I just don’t know. I too find myself confused and terrified in the absence of answers to these mind-boggling inquiries.

Who didn’t shed a tear when Kelly fell for Jeff, her elder manager at the Max. Zack found out after the guys sneaked into a hopping night club only to witness Jeff passionately kiss Kelly. This led to one of two memorable "last dances" between Zack and Kelly outside of Bayside’s gym (with Kelly’s "unintentionally" shoulder-revealing sweatshirt enticing the minds of youngsters the world over.) 

As in life, all good things must come to an end eventually. The Senior Class of 2001 is slowly realizing this fact and will most certainly experience a broad range of emotions during the coming months. Perhaps these emotions will spark in us the fond memories of the many "goodbye" episodes on "90210" (i.e. high school graduation, college graduation, Brenda leaving, Andrea leaving, Valerie leaving, Dylan leaving, Brandon leaving, Dylan leaving again, etc.) "Saved By The Bell" will also provide the seniors with memories of the unforgettable "Time Capsule" episode in which the characters gathered and reminisced the most cherished of memories. 

Come June, the seniors themselves just might be found doing a little reminiscing themselves. We all have had our own Kelly Kapowski, we all ate at our own Peach Pit or Max, and not unlike our counterparts on these two shows, we certainly all have developed terrific friendships and warmhearted memories that we will savor for years to come.