Commentary Archive

The Little Paper That Could
By Tammy Ashworth (June 16, 2003)
As I type this, my final article as the editor-in-chief of Lasso Online, I can’t help but marvel at the change and challenges that not only this student newspaper but we as a community have faced and invariably met with equanimity during these past several months. 

Seniors: Out the Window
By Kate O'Hara (May 22, 2003)
I was accepted to college early in February under the rolling admissions policy at Butler University. I have tried to keep my spirits up and my mind focused on school since then, but recently, it’s been rather tough.

Commentary by a Young Mother
‘Learn from Me, Don’t Have Sex’
By Diana Amaya (April 26, 2003)
On November 15, 2002, my whole life changed. I became a teenage mother. I gave birth to Isaiah Eli Amaya. At age 16 I decided to keep my baby, not knowing the responsibilities of a mother.

The Joys and Pain of 'True Love'
By Jordynn Fulton (April 23, 2003)
A crowd of teenage girls was huddled around their friend who appeared to be in a great deal of pain. She called my name as I rushed to the epicenter of the action. Her eyes were filled with tears, her mascara ran in two sloppy, wet lines down her cheeks. 

Portrait of a Struggling Rock Star
By Kevin Robey (April 12, 2003)
Dizzy D opened his heavy eyes to the soft sunlight slowly filling the dark corners of his room. He had no idea where he was or where he had been last night, but as the rising California sun slowly filled his room the blanks began to fill in.

Obituary for a Touching Friend
By KT Roberts (March 21, 2003)
My big sister had the unfortunate and truly devastating experience of losing a very dear friend about two months ago.

TV Review
Reality TV: I’m not Watching
By Tony Clark (March 13, 2003)
I don’t really watch reality shows, but I see enough commercials to know what they’re about, people who go on a show and have their lives taped for 5 weeks.

Political Commentary
North Korea More a Threat than Iraq
By Dan Bray (March 13, 2002)
As you read this, a despotic dictator has his armies poised near the border, ready to invade one of the United State’s closest allies. This army, of over a million men, could within hours reach the capital and start a war that would surely plunge the region and the world into a period of chaos

Middle Aged at 16
By Rabita Aziz (March 6, 2003)
Middle aged at 16? You’re probably wondering: What is she talking about? But I think I have a point.

Commentary: Playing in the Pit Orchestra
Finding Out What’s Worth It Depends
On HowYou Define What’s ‘Worth It’
By Andrea Genovese Soares (March 1, 2003)
A month ago, someone was trying to convince me that joining the Pit Orchestra for "Oklahoma!" brings with it nearly no recognition, and is therefore not worth it.

'There is a War in My Head'
By Shannon McKittrick (January 24, 2003)
There are a lot of times that I wish I could be content with what I have instead of dwelling on what isn't in my grasp.

‘Testing Our Perceptions of What is Real’
By Alex Hahl (January 24, 2003)
"It is impossible to descend twice into the same river"  – Heraclitus
At some level, everything is changing. The passage of time if nothing else, ensures that no single thing that can be perceived is ever the same as it once was, simply because it is older than it used to be.

Commentary: Our Litigious Society
Warning: Paper Cuts May Occur
By Ben Carter (December 28, 2002)
Recently on the front page of the newspaper, there was a laughable picture of monkeys (yes, monkeys) walking along a wire in Japan. Reading the article accompanying the picture, I could not help but laugh with each story of monkey-related incidents in Japan.

Let Jenny Jones and Raymond Moses
Straighten Out Your Life
By Maria Lara (December 22, 2002)
Over the summer I remember flipping through the channels of daytime television. I loved watching the talk shows, especially Jenny Jones. So I was always really anxious to see what that day’s topic was going to be

Commentary: Serious People
‘Worrying about the Small Things Is Not that Important’
By Kevin Robey (December 13, 2002)
I strongly dislike serious people. They always have some place to go, and they’re always racing around. I look around in amazement at how my fellow students become so absorbed in extracurricular activities that they never have time to sit back and reflect upon their lives. 

Commentary: Battling the SATs
'The SAT Dented My Application Like it Was a New Car, Now Unqualified'
By Paige Dorsey (December 13, 2002)
Throughout my life I have traveled around the world, from my birth in Ecuador, to the Sahara Desert in Africa and the medieval castles in Europe, I have seen much of what the world has to offer.

Commentary: On Being a Latina
‘I’m Fond of My Flavorful Heritage’
By Ana Rogers (December 12, 2002)
Although we all try our hardest to stay grounded, it’s hard not to admit you’re proud to be Latina. It’s been a long and hard journey back from Spain several centuries ago, but we have survived and prospered.

Age Discrimination Affects Teens
By Sara Kaplow (November 27, 2002)
I’m sure you know the scene: you walk into a 7-11, and the eyes (and probably cameras) focus in on you. Why, you ask? 

Endorsing Sex: The Abercrombie Effect
By Rabita Aziz (November 13, 2002)
Imagine if GNC, a health food store, sold fatty, calorie-filled candy bars; or if Trader Joe’s decided to sell cereal with aspartame and preservatives. Of course, these things would contradict the very purpose of the store. 

In Deep Sleep
By Andrea Genovese Soares (November 5, 2002)
It’s 8:30 p.m. The chances of finishing your homework before midnight are very slim, and you know that you have a tough English essay test tomorrow that you have to be awake for. Do you sleep, or finish your homework and risk dozing off during your English exam? 

Procrastination: It’s Making Me Wait,
Keeping Me Waiting
By Michael Miller (October 9, 2002)
Okay, we all know the story. It’s late at night, and the major assignment is due tomorrow.

Commentary, the 49.9% Factor
Why Don’t the ‘Reasons Why Not’ Sway Us More?
By Kate O’Hara (October 7, 2002)
Sex. It’s a common theme running through every teenager’s mind, whether they’ll admit it or not. Its appeal surrounds us everyday.

Cut Your Back Some Slack 
By Andrea Genovese Soares (October 2, 2002) 
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, in the year 2000, about 13,000 children paid a visit to ERs throughout the country due to backpack-related injuries, a grievance that has increased 330% since 1996. 

I Thought I Had It All Figured Out
By Kristin Sommers (October 2, 2002)
Last year I was so sure I had it figured out. Last October, around this time, I had gone to a huge college fair at Fair Oaks Mall. It was massive, colleges from everywhere you could think of.