
Panama Canal (2023)
Back to Back Cruises - Miami through the Panama Canal with return to Miami

Unexpected Detours
First a medical emergency stop in Cartagena
Then a 200 mile detour required before Panama City
Panama Canal (East to West)
Panama Canal (West to East)
Puerto Limon, Costa Rica - a 7 hour excursion though the beautiful countryside (4 Links Below)

Nim Li Punit, Belize
Nim Li Punit is a small, yet important archaeological site from the Mayan Classic Period located in Southern Belize.
It is a modern name meaning “Big Hat” in Kekchi Maya after an image of a ruler
depicted on a stela recovered from the site. Its original name has yet to be deciphered.

Nim Li Punit was established on the leveled summits of small hills
to exploit nearby natural resources within the rich tropical forests of the Maya Mountains
The population has been estimated between 5000-7000 people on the region’s extensive trade network

The ruins are known for their significant number of stelae, including the tallest stela in Belize.
The second largest worked piece of jade found in Belize has also been recovered from one of its royal tombs.
Nim Li Punit flourished from the 5th century AD through the 8th century AD.
It contains structures around three plazas, including several step-pyramids, the tallest being 11 meters high.
It was rapidly abandoned when the Mayan civilization began to decline.

The NCL Joy