
Historical Photos
Growing Up in Brooklyn
Historical Photos Index

St. Thomas Aquinas - First Grade (1953)
Sr. Mary Paul taught 75 of us in one classroom, many 2 to a seat.
I'm in the 2nd row from the right, 6th seat, with the huge smile. I loved school. Student Names

Procession (1953) & May Crowning (1954)

First Communion (1955) Seasonal Sites (53 - 56)

St. Thomas Aquinas Christmas Pageant (1955)
That's me in the front

St Thomas Aquinas - 4A (1956)
Only 45 students now. I'm in the 3rd row from the right, 4th seat.

St. Ephrem's Glee Club (1959-1960)
Directed by Fr. John Burns
Miss Justine Johnston, Pianist
I'm in the 3rd row, 4th from the left

Additional Old Photos