
Editorial - RICH LITTER

February 11, 1977

Lasso Archive

Recently members of the LASSO staff planted several pieces of garbage on the floor in the library lobby. This resulted from a discussion about the appearance of the building, and how the people in the school felt about it. We decided to observe first-hand how students and teachers react to unsightly, unclean conditions in their school. One milk carton was placed centrally in the path of traffic after being stuffed with eleven one-dollar bills to be given to anyone who picked up some of the trash.

After watching the trash during the change between mod 11 and mod 12 and the entire mod before, we retrieved our eleven dollars. Some two-hundred and fifty students and teachers had walked by. The battered milk carton had been kicked fourteen times, more often than not intentionally. Needless to say, no one had made any effort to pick it up.

Most people will probably wonder why we have bothered to mention this subject at all. "Who cares, the janitors will clean it up before tomorrow," or "Why should I pick it up, I didn't do it." Attitudes such as these, which lie behind actions like the ones above, reflect apathy and selfishness.