Sixth Grade Foursome Number One

by Rod McLeod 

December 22, 1983

Lasso Archive

"The team demonstrates careful understanding of individual student needs by immediate responses to both academic and personal problems. A deep sense of caring prevails both inside and outside the classroom. "

So reads the parent nomination form for the sixth grade teaching team which has been named the recipient of the Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Award sponsored by the Washington Post.

The sixth grade team consists of Harry Shovlin, science teacher, Tamara O'Neil, English teacher, Lindy, Hockenberry, math instructor, and Mark Wallace, social studies teacher.

The team concept instills everything these individual teachers do and say. "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts," explains Ms. Hockenberry and Mr. Shovlin reinforces that point by saying "we were nominated as a team and that is how we act and feel."

Shovlin feels the award is a good one generally because it helps to raise the profile of teachers, recognizes the outstanding educators. and gets rid of such outdated, statements as "1 don't work, 1 teach."

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. "

The actual nominating was done by two parents, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Fellman, with the ,assistance of a nominating committee made up of other community members. They based the sixth grade teaching team's claim to the award on six individual areas of teaching which they felt important and which they felt the team demonstrated. These included such qualities as exciting the student to appreciate learning and to attain their maximum potential, and demonstrating leadership and citizenship qualities.

The team especially appreciated the award for it was nominated by the Falls Church community, an entity known for its commitment to education.

Happy-go-lucky award winning sixth grade team: Mr.Wallace.
Ms.0'Neil, Ms.Hockenberry and Mr.Shovlin. Photo by Pete Rose