Unsung Heroes
Editors Collect Memories for
Much Anticipated Mustang Yearbook

(March 28, 2007)

Few events around GM are as eagerly anticipated as the distribution of yearbooks each spring, as Masonites line the halls to discover which photos, captions, and quotes will forever symbolize each nearly completed school year.  However, dozens of pages of memories don’t just miraculously appear each May.  It is up to the dedicated editors of the Mustang yearbook to put all this together. These editors often labor in anonymity. Seniors Irene Morrison-Moncure and Jessie Miller and junior Stephanie Brown spend hours both at home and at school organizing pages, taking photos at school events, and writing text for the edition.  Morrison-Moncure and Miller even attended a camp this past summer in Williamsburg to brush up on their knowledge of yearbook design, layout, and writing.  “Both girls have shown uncommon dedication and consistency, all while successfully managing significant obligations,” said yearbook co-sponsor Ms. Melanie Besio.  The theme of the 2006-2007 yearbook is “Footprints” and features 208 pages.  Six hundred copies have already been sold and numerous local businesses have paid for advertising.  Although Morrison-Moncure and Miller will be graduating this year, Stephanie Brown will continue to work on the Mustang next year and will ably take over the senior editor position.  From left to right are Stephanie Brown, Irene Morrison-Moncure, and Jessie Miller. (Photo by Margaret Lipman)


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