

The Bratwurst

Top 5 Best and Worst Super Bowl Ads


By Derek Blodgett and Alex Prewitt (February 13, 2007)


Top 5 Best Super Bowl Commercials


5. GoDaddy.com: Office Fun.

We feel that there is absolutely no need to explain why this commercial is in our top five.


4. Bud Light: Wedding Reception

This commercial consisted of two bachelors at a wedding that really wanted the ceremony to be quick so they could dig into the pile of Bud Light.  They accomplished this by getting an auctioneer. After the ceremony only takes a couple of seconds, all the men in the wedding get up and rush to the Bud Light.


3. Nationwide Insurance:  K-Fed

This installment “Life Comes at You Fast” series features the one-hit wonder Kevin Federline in a rap video being, well…K-Fed. Following this, we see him working in a fast-food restaurant, watching his old rap video and singing along to it. The punch-line “Life Comes at You Fast” appears on the screen. You have to wonder how much Nationwide paid him to do this commercial, and how desperate he has to be in order to agree to it.





2. Snickers: Mechanics

Note: In response to the wishes of various rights groups, the statement made by the writers of the “Bratwurst” in relation to this commercial has been subsequently removed from this site. This write-up was deemed offensive to certain people. Thank you for your understanding.


1. Bud Light: Rock, Paper, Scissors

Our number one.  This great commercial was a battle for the last Bud Light.  Two men reach for the last beverage at the same time, and to solve the problem, they decide to play rock, paper, scissors for it.  At “shot,” one of the guys throws a rock at the other, takes the Bud Light and walks away. Sort of reminds us of the “Crime Deterrent” commercial that aired last year.



Top 5 Worst Super Bowl Commercials


5. Sierra Mist: Both

Maybe they are trying to be corny, but it definitely does not make me want me to buy a Sierra Mist.


4. Garmin Navigation: Mapzilla

Garmin Navigation tries to bring back the Power Rangers as the “hero” puts on his Garmin Navigation belt and transforms into a super-being to fight a mapzilla.  But, no one can ever be as cool as Tommie, Zach, Billy, Kimberly, or Trini, ever. 


3. Salesgenie: Terrible. Just terrible.


2. Schick Quattro: We don’t think Schick has ever come out with a good commercial. You pay $1.2 million for a commercial slot on the biggest night of the year, and you blow it. At least have the Go-Daddy girl shaving someone’s face or something!


1. Doritos: Live the Flavor

Doritos’ hit a new low in this one.  A sales clerk starts flirting with a customer as he is buying different kinds of Doritos.  Each type of Doritos gets a different reaction from the clerk.  It ends with the customer and clerk behind the checkout counter doing who-knows-what. 




