Commentary - OnLine

Thank You for Not Smoking

 By Rebecca Gomez  (June 18, 2007)

The only reason people say they smoke is because it:

  1. It makes them look cool.

 This totally drives me crazy because when I think cigarette, I don’t think of cool. I think about ugly teeth, bad breath and lung cancer. Not a pretty picture to say the least. When I see people smoking, I don’t think of them as people I want to go out of my way to hang out with. I think of them as smelly slacker kids, no matter now nice they actually are.  

  1. It calms them down.

Okay, yoga calms you down. Talking about your feelings calms you down. Screaming into your pillow calms you down. I hate to break it to you but dumping a bunch of rat poison, tar, ammonia, urea, sodium hydroxide, nicotine, tar and Polonium-210 and God knows what else into your body is not considered calming down. It’s considered suicide. 

  1. They just like it.

Oh, you like smoking. I guess I like being able to play basketball, go swimming at the pool, and living until age 83 all with pearly white choppers and all that extra money I didn’t waste on my addiction. That’s a little more appealing. But hey, whatever floats your boat.


There are 1,001 reasons under the sun why not to smoke. But next time you are faced with the opportunity to smoke, don’t even think why not to, just think, why would you?

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