No more
writing, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks! This
is what most kids are thinking as the end of the year approaches;
but for me, summer is not a thing entirely without learning.
It is a period during which I am free to learn anything I want
in any way that I choose, the ultimate school for me. I get
more reading done during the summer than during any three months
of school, and more importantly, I
enjoy what I read and learn.
This is not to say I’m ruling
out summer reading lists. I think those are great ideas and have
enjoyed myself
more than once reading books off those lists. Sometimes you get
lucky and read books by chance that are on the lists. For example,
I read The Stranger by
Albert Camus one summer because I was attracted by the name.
Lo and behold the day I got my reading list, that book was already
in the basket. For graduating seniors, however, there are no
summer reading lists, and with this in mind, I encourage them
to create their own. Start a new tradition of reading a minimum
number of books each summer that you’re enrolled in a learning
institution, because learning doesn’t stop and start after a
three-month hiatus. Whether you are traveling or staying put
during the summer months, take up the challenge of bettering
yourself through any kind of literature. It is a great way to
pass time on planes, at pools, on the porch or in the park, and
reading enriches your life and absolutely no amount of reading
will make you dumber.