Testing, Testing, 1,2,3,
Testing IB, SOL Tests Dominate
hunker down
today in Room 100 of the GradCenter next door to begin their International Baccalaureate
biology exam. IB students are in their second week of exams, which are administered
by IB Coordinator Mr. Bill Daughtridge. When the exams are over at the end of
next week, Daughtridge will have overseen 1,200 exams, taken by 220 students
in 35 subject areas. Each day about six packages of exams are shipped via DHL
to IB graders around the world. In addition, today began a special two-week schedule
to accommodate the state-required SOL exams in the eighth grade and by eleventh
graders in math, English, science, and history. (Lasso Online photo) 5-14-07
updated 5/2/07 5-15-07 The Tech Whip updated