Odyssey of the Mind Champs Creative 8th Grade
Team Sweeps States, Heads to Worlds
sweeping their category in the Odyssey of the Mind regional and
competitions, the 8th grade team of Mollie Breen, Katie Breen, Daniel
Fletcher, Rachel Hassan, Victoria Pender, and Clark
Williamson will be heading to the World Finals at Michigan State University on
May 23.The Division II team, which is
coached by Lynn Fletcher, worked on a long-term problem entitled “I’m Only Thinking
of You,” for which they were required to create a humorous skit about a self-centered
character and the unexpected surprise that the
character encounters.The World Finals
will feature teams from all over the globe and the GM team expects to be in competition
with over 50 teams who also created solutions to their long-term
problem.The second element of the competition
will require teams to prove their quick thinking and creativity in response to
a “spontaneous” problem that they will be given very little time to
solve.Above, the Mason team celebrates
their win at the State Finals in Newport News on April 21. 4-30-07
updated 4/24/07 4-30-07 The Tech Whip updated