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Film Review

Drop What You’re Doing, Call Your Friends,
and Go See ‘King Kong’!

By Will Stewart (December 19, 2005)

Ladies and gentlemen, drop what you’re doing, call your friends, and go see the new “King Kong.” It knows no limits. It truly cannot be tamed. It is a heart-pounding, jaw-dropping, adrenaline-rushing thrill ride that will take you completely out of this world. But, before you enter the theater, be warned -- what you will see will amaze you, terrify you, and probably even humble you.

I’m telling you, these thrills are not cheap. The movie does begin slowly, with movie-producer Carl Denham (Jack Black) organizing his film team to go out to sea. Their destination…well, you know it from the trailers. The acting and the suspense-building scenes are not fantastic, but those aspects are not where this movie truly shines.

Just as the captain tries to turn back, the ship is trapped in a dense fog. Unable to navigate, they are pulled to the island as if in the grasp of the Death Star’s tractor beam. From then on, I advise you to remember to catch your breath. The crews, both the ship-riggers and the filmmakers, march forth into relentless and breathtaking danger, which parallels the audience’s rising adrenaline levels. Monsters at every turn, unbelievable scenery, and all the while the special effects are so superb you don’t even think about them. You actually feel like you’re about to be trampled, chomped on, or ripped limb from limb. During my showing, the audience gasped audibly several times and sometimes even giggled at the sheer outrageousness of what was going on (Be aware: this movie’s stunts are not even remotely realistic, nor are they meant to be.)

As you must know from the original, which I cannot claim to have seen, Denham and company bring Kong back to New York, where he escapes and climbs the Empire State Building with his prize, Ann Darrow (played impeccably by Naomi Watts). This scene took me completely by surprise. Just when I thought the movie was winding down, this scene brought me back. It was totally un-cheesy and it ends the movie very elegantly.

Okay, okay, the movie isn’t perfect. The love story confuses you a little bit and is in the looming shadow of the incredible action scenes. You can’t tell who Ann Darrow is in love with; is it King Kong or Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody)? Someone with a more adept romantic mind will have to help me out. Those minds may not be quite as inspired by this movie as the minds craving nonstop, mind-blowing action, however.

Jack Black and Kong himself stirred up some sincere laughter throughout the beginning half of the movie, keeping the mood light and the audience entertained. There is a lull in the beginning and a lull after Kong is captured (a good time to catch your breath, or take a bathroom break during this 3-hour + movie). Still, the good scenes and the great ones are more than worth your price of admission. This movie will leave many people gasping for comprehension at the unadulterated awesomeness they have just witnessed.

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