Reviews - OnLine

Film Review
‘Wedding Crashers’ Keeps
The Jokes Rolling

By Olivia Farrow (January 16, 2005)

There isn’t a shortage of these types of Zoolander/Dodge Ball movies, and at first I thought that this was another cookie cutter SNL riff movie. Sure, I love these movies as much as the next high school girl, but if they’re gonna keep my attention, they’d better keep the jokes rolling, and this puppy does.

Wedding Crashers is a hybrid of a movie by being a satire of the J.Crewtastic world, the Wayne’s’ World world, and The Wedding Singer world. While at some times it does get a little “partied out,” the movie keeps you laughing to an end that’s actually rather cute.

Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn are two guys who during the winter are marriage counselors. But by wedding season, they become (surprise) wedding crashers. They tour almost any wedding that is happening in D.C., which they surprisingly made very pretty, and become instant hits of the parties. Their final goal? To score on bridesmaids. And these guys are so good that by the time we meet them, they usually hit a bull’s eye at every attempt. Let’s just hope they get tested weekly.

The wedding that we see in detail is when they go to the “Kentucky Derby” of weddings, in which one of the three daughters of the Secretary of Treasury (a passive-freaky Christopher Walken) is getting married to a man who looks like Ken. The other two daughters, however, are still open for the season, and Wilson and Vaughn go in for the kill.

Wilson’s character gets an instant crush on Rachel McAdams, who plays the smart sister, while Vaughn hones in on Ilsa Fisher, the spoiled nut job sister. The satire of the dysfunctional upper class is my favorite theme of the movie, and while I don’t think rich families have grandmothers that make crude insults about gays and wield shotguns, (or maybe rich grandmas do) the stretch just makes you laugh harder. This family is exactly what we hope Bush’s family is like; the mother (a vomitingly funny Jane Seymour) is an unfaithful drunk, the father is a creep with a heart of gold, and the son is a gay painter who looks like Quasimodo on Slim Fast.

While Wedding Crashers does slow down at points, the movie has jokes that will keep everyone laughing in an awkward way, but in a good awkward way. The R rated humor is as clean as it can get, and the finale actually leaves everyone feeling happy. Wilson’s personality is more complex than the other types of characters he’s known for playing in movies like these, and when paired up with Vaughn, the two are incredibly hilarious and, more importantly, likable. The two don’t take girl hunting to a point of being creepy, which the movie could have easily done, and their relationship is realistic under unrealistic circumstances. This movie is no comedic masterpiece and the jokes can only be heard so many times before they lose their spark, yet the overall story is far better than most other types of comedies thrown at us today.

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