News - OnLine

Cappies’ Program Slated for Encore

By Alex Holachek (September 29, 2005)

By all indications “The Cappies,” a program in which students review theater productions of other high schools, is returning full force to George Mason after several years’ absence. Tuesday’s introductory meeting drew six aspiring theater critics, about the number of students that the group’s leader, drama teacher Ms. Ricker-Spicer, had hoped to attract. 

Students who take part in the Cappies program are expected to write thoughtful, constructive reviews of the productions they attend, which then contend for possible publication in The Washington Post. The other chief responsibility of Cappies reviewers involves voting for standout participants in each play, who then advance to the next step in what culminates in an Oscar-like awards ceremony at The Kennedy Center. Ms. Ricker-Spicer reminded students that, as critics with The Cappies, they are to receive enticing perks like free, front-couple-of-rows seating to productions, as well as free food (apparently many high schools, including our own, are not above bribery in order to favorably dispose Cappies critics to their plays).

The other sponsors of the program are Ms. Bracken, a parent, and Mr. Northop, a faculty member. Ms. Bracken, who has met with a national director of the Cappies program, Bill Strauss, told students that he had praised the quality of George Mason’s drama productions, and remarked on the exceptional support in the community for the theater program. 

Participating students will go to a Cappies workshop this Saturday where they will learn how to write theatrical reviews.

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