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Novice ‘It’s Academic’ Team Comes
In Second to Bethesda-Chevy Chase

By Margaret Lipman (October 13, 2004)

Members of the “It’s Academic”/Scholastic Bowl team faced-off against tough competition from two Maryland high schools on the local NBC 4 program “It’s Academic” on October 2.  Although many of the team’s star competitors graduated last year, the largely inexperienced team acquitted itself well  The team held on to first place for a large part of the match, but were eventually outscored in the last round by the team from Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School.  At the game’s completion, Bethesda-Chevy Chase had 565  points and first place,  Mason took second with 460 points, and the team from Watkins Mill High School was third with 420 points.

Representing Mason were seniors Dan McDonald, the team’s captain, and senior Alex Douglas, and sophomore Margaret Lipman.

The questions were on subjects ranging from Daniel Boone to Burma, from the Sooner State of Oklahoma to the Hopi Indian tribe.  The studio audience was filled with cheering friends, relatives, and other members of the GMHS “It’s Academic”/Scholastic Bowl club.  The George Mason High School Pep Band, directed by Mrs. Mary Jo Webster, also came out to support the team and played superbly.  And, of course, coach Jamie Scharff was there to offer welcome encouragement, advice, and a quick review of world capitals.

Band director Ms. Mary Jo Webster, right, fires up the band
members who came out to support Mason's "It's Academic"
 team that came in second behind Bethesda-Chevy Chase High
 School in competition on October 2. (Photo by Mr. Lipman)

The “It’s Academic” episode featuring air on Saturday, October 23rd at 2 p.m. on NBC (Channel 4.)

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