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Olga's List of Suggestions

Avoid Summer Doldrums: Try Something
New, Out-of-the Ordinary

By Olga Belinskaya (
June 11, 2005)     

As the summer approaches I'm getting excited and anxious at the same time. Excited because summer is the time when the most unpredictable things follow one after the other so that we go back to school as changed persons, after only a two month break. Then again, it can be a very boring time, when most days are spent lazing away. One can only take so much leisure before it turns into sloth and boredom. That's exactly why I've tried to compile this list of things to do: so that if anyone is completely out of ideas for things to do, he could see if any of these stand out as worthy.

  • Volunteering can be an eye opener, mostly because it allows you to experience the things you hear about from others for yourself. Www.Volunteermatch.com searches for all types of causes and communities that need help. Anyone interested in anything from sports, to children, to hunger, to the law can find something to do here.
  • E-street cinema is a Landmark Cinema in DC, two blocks from the Metro Center station. Here they play documentaries, foreign, and independent movies you won't see at Lowe's. Address: 555 11th Street NW, Washington, DC 20004 (entrance on E Street between 10th and 11th Street) (202) 452-7672.
  • Another interesting pastime is checking out how things work behind the scenes; i.e., get a job in a fast food place, or in a typical pharmacy, or in another place of convenience to see how things are on the other side of the counter.
  • Or pick something you feel strongly about, and try to understand the counter-arguments and weigh them against each other.
  • Learn about things that are not talked about.

Things that take less active effort:

 -- Master a few party tricks
-- Learn to lucid dream
-- Exercise flexibility
-- Learn to draw
-- Try to understand handwriting analysis

Basically, during the summer, try something new every day, no matter how small, and I think you'll be surprised by the outcome when it all finally adds up.


Tell us what you think.  E-mail lassogmhs@hotmail.com