Features - OnLine

Masonites Share Thoughts on
Thanksgiving Days, Present, Past

Masonites ready for the four-day weekend shared their thoughts on Thanksgiving with Lasso Online staff members, who asked them many different questions pertaining to Thanksgiving, such as what they are thankful for or not thankful for and tend to take for granted; their Thanksgiving memories; and other anecdotes about the holiday.  

Graphic by Eliot John Hagen
List Edited by Rabita Aziz and Margaret Lipman

(November 24, 2004)


“Thanksgiving is like a box of chocolates.
You never know what’s in the stuffing.”
-Francisco Brady, sophomore

“I’m not thankful for the overall close-mindedness of the general public.”
-Kit Thackrey, sophomore

“One year I had the flu at Thanksgiving.  It was the first time I’d ever not eaten a big meal on that holiday!”
-Elizabeth Fortenberry, sophomore

“We’re having 14 people over for Thanksgiving dinner instead of the 10 we had planned for, so now our table is reaching out into our living room!”
-Lydia Fairfax, freshman

”One year we had all of our appliances on in the kitchen and it tripped the circuit.  All of the food we had in the refrigerator was ruined!”
-Connie Lewis, sophomore

 “I should be thankful for having a sibling because even though we get in fights, she’s always around to talk to…no matter how many times I call her stupid.”
-Rachel Sweeney, senior

 “I am thankful for my good friends, my health, and my cute kitties!  Things that I tend to take for granted would be my loving parents and the good education I am getting.  Thanksgiving is unusual for my family to celebrate because we are from Spain and it is only an American holiday.”
-Sophia De St. Aubin, junior

“Even though I frequently disagree with the actions and policies of our government, I’m still very thankful to live in a country where I can always express my opinions and beliefs.”
-Margaret Lipman, sophomore

“I am thankful for my children’s love.”
-Helen Albader, faculty

“I don’t take advantage of the wonderful opportunities I have at school.”
-Meike Netherton

“[What I take for granted is] time.”
-Irene Morrison-Moncure, sophomore

“I am thankful for the opportunities given me to at this school and for my education because there are millions of other teenagers in the world who would give anything to be in our position.”
-Rabita Aziz, senior

“I should be thankful for having food on my table everyday and all that jazz…but I’m not.”
-Dane Perera, senior

“I am thankful for having my own car, because a lot of people don’t have their own.”
 -Casey Smirniotopoulos, senior

“I am thankful for the shelter I live in, my friends and my health.  I think most people take for granted the convenience of being able to get things that they need or want at almost anytime.  During Thanksgiving meal, my friend and I eat some unusual foods such as Pear Jell-O and cold cinnamon apples.  Even though my Thanksgivings are smaller than they used to be, they are still memorable.”
-Jennie Kaplan, senior

“My Grandmother was putting the turkey in the oven when she went into labor with my Dad.”
-Eliot John Hagen, sophomore

“I’m going to go home and bake twenty-one mini turkeys!”
-Karina LaVarge, freshman

“My mom bought a twenty pound turkey this year.   Every day I am scared the middle shelf in my refrigerator is going to break!”
-Dariela Leon, junior


Tell us what you think.  E-mail lassogmhs@hotmail.com