How serious is the cheating
problem at GM?
Very serious: 4.2%
Serious: 16.8%
Moderately serious: 43.9%
Not serious: 35.1%
Do you feel that it is cheating
to copy minor assignments that might be considered “busy work"?
Yes: 42%
No: 58%
If a test were given over two
days, would it be cheating to discuss the test with your friends outside
of class?
Yes: 47.2%
No: 52.8%
Is it more serious to copy
from a test or major project than it is to copy homework or in-class work?
Yes: 90.2%
No: 9.8%
Is cheating ever justified?
Yes: 33.2%
No: 66.8%
Would you support the implementation
of an honor code at George Mason?
Yes: 26.6%
No: 38.8%
Undecided: 34.6% |
Based on your teaching experience
at George Mason, how would you describe your opinions on cheating among
I see a great deal of cheating:
I see a moderate amount: 83.3%
I rarely see cheating: 8.3%
If you have taught at other
schools, would you say that the amount of cheating at George Mason is...
More than other schools: 20.8%
Less than other schools: 8.3%
About the same: 62.5%
If you have experienced cheating
in your classes at George Mason, what form has this cheating been in?
Copying homework: 79.2%
In class cheating during tests:
Plagiarizing papers: 54.17%
Other: 12.5%
How carefully do you monitor
students taking a test?
Very Carefully: 75%
Somewhat carefully: 20.8%
Not Carefully: 4.2%
Should a student be punished
more severely for cheating on a major assignment than for cheating on a
minor assignment?
Yes: 25% No: 33.3%
Maybe: 12.5%
Do you support the introduction
of an honor code at George Mason?
Yes: 83.3% No: 16.7%