The following photos are enlargements of the small
class group photos
that appear in the book.
Perhaps this will help
in the identification of relatives.
1927 - 4th Grade

1927 - 5th Grade

1927 - 6th Grade

1927 - 7th & 8th Grade

1927 - 3rd Grade

1927 - 2nd Grade
1927 1st Grade

The following photo was not part of the booklet but provided separately
by Tom Nograsek.

Names from the left starting at the top are:
Adam Wojcik, Mary Ann
Skubic, Tom Nograsek, Lourdes Sheroshek, Carl Struss, Tina Skubic,
Steve Hruby, Eugene Drasler, Donald
Washleski, Joyce Drasler, William Pevec, Edith Hadley, Ronald Zawisky,
Carol Zawisky, George Planinsek, Judy Tengowski, Carl Yurkovick, William
Puntar, Barbara Miskavage, Anthony Wojcik, Joyce Rokavec, Rudy Ravnikar,
Myron Mukulak, Mary
Ann Harvartine. The teacher is Harriet Grunski.