Let us have a
look back at those years and review our lives aboard that great
ship. The “Galloping
Ghost” will live forever because the oil burned for power
was her life blood, her guns were the muscle, but most important
was her spirit. This rested in the hearts and souls of those who
served so proudly aboard her.
Today, these hearts and the memories are all that remain
of a once powerful and menacing war machine. Our hope is that
we keep her memory alive—the good times and the many scary
times when God surely watched over and protected us. - George
Brucia, 1993
Now through technology
we can keep the memories alive.
Click each cover to view the contents of each reunion brochure.

17th Annual Reunion
U.S.S. Philadelphia
Portland, Maine
September 14 to 21, 1980
Quite a Crowd in San Diego in 1981 (contributed
by Gary Ridenour and confirmed by George Brucia) |

Frank Amoroson - 1983 |

25th Annual Crew Reunion
Sept. 25 to Oct. 1, 1988
Scottsdale, Arizona

U.S.S. Philadelphia CL-41 Association
29th Annual Reunion
September 13 to 20, 1992
Huntington Beach, CA |

Bill Murphy - September 1997
Who would have
thought over 55 years ago that today we would be called "the greatest
At that time, we were just doing our part for freedom;
young men entering the armed
forces and young women entering the mills and factories. We
were children of the great depression just filling the
next chapter
of our lives. We moved from war to suburbia to marry and raise
children. Our lives moved forward with little thought of what
we had done.
- Bill Murphy, 1999 |
Ahoy, U.S.S. Philadelphia Shipmates,
I request permission to come aboard to meet with friends of
yesteryear and
honor those now sailing with the Lord.
Many years have now since past since our Ship put out to sea
with a crew so
strong and proud, determined to keep our country free.
Our service will never be forgotten. We are now all part of
I stand proud to let the Navy know what my Shipmates mean to

Thank you to Dan and Vera O'Connor and Dot
who saved these brochures throughout the years, |