The Ancient Appian Way

This road has been used for over 2000 years
Lunch at a lovely cafe

Roman armies and automobiles have all travelled over these stones

At right we can see the grooves made by chariots

Along the road are a variety of Roman ruins

The most famous (i.e. well preserved) ruin is the tomb of Cecilia Metella

No photos were allowed in the Catacombs of San Sebastiasn,

but the tour ended at the church of St Peter and Paul and Sebastian
because at one time all were buried here

As we walked a pedestrian path
to avoid the main traffic area of the road,
we found this statue, a memorial to St. Tarcinius,
the patron of altar servers


Also viewable were decayed ruins of more ancient tombs.

The small church of Quo Vadis,
commemorates the appearance of Jesus to St. Peter
as he was fleeing persecution in Rome.

The footprints in stone, according to legend,
are those of Christ seared into the road
from the intense heat of the apparition.