
Passau (2013)
The Danube
Christmas 2013
Passau is located at the confluence of 3 rivers - the Danube, the Ilz and the Inn. The fortress dominates the landscape.
Our tour of the town included historical landmarks including the town hall.
The most recent flood occurred June 3, 2012 as documented by the high water mark. It was the worst in centuries.
People who live along the river are wise to build HIGH above the river

Empress "Sissi" once stayed in this hotel
You have to be very fit to walk up to this house
The Christmas Market was in front of the Catheral
"Snowballs" are a local sweet treat
St Stephen's Cathedral contains the world's largest church organ with 17,774 pipes. In the afternoon we attended an organ concert.
We were pleasantly surprised that the hard wooden pews had heaters underneath them.
The parish church of St Paul has a unique interior. All altars are black.
On our last visit we took many photos. See them HERE
The lobby of the River Aria provided a perfect setting
for our 2013 Christmas Photo