
The Roman Forum and Palatine Hill (2019)
Index - Europe
June 2019
The Roman Forum, is a rectangular area surrounded by the ruins of several important ancient government buildings at the center of the city of Rome.
It was originally a marketplace. Much has been unearthed since our first visit here in 1996. Excavation continues.
The Palatine Hill, the centremost of the Seven Hills of Rome, is one of the most ancient parts of the city.
It stands 40 metres above the Roman Forum, looking down upon it on one side, and upon the Circus Maximus on the other.
From the time of Augustus, Imperial palaces were built here
2011 - Carrie and the Aqueduct in the Forum
2019 - Carrie returns
Looking down into the Forum
The floor of the Forum was made of marble
Fragments still remain

The Arch of Titus
Julius Caesar
SPQR (Senatus Populusque Romanus)
The Senate and the Roman People
The Arch of Titus
This is the exact location where Marc Antony gave his eulogy of Julius Caesar
Leaving the Forum in the direction of our apartments
The Circus Maximus - best known to Americans as the historical site of the chariot race in the 1960 movie "Ben Hur"