
The capital of Peru
November 2018
Machu Picchu

Ready to Explore Lima
Pisco Sour in Hand
Street Art
View of the Pacific Ocean
The hill in the distance was the site of Pope John Paul II's Outdoor Mass in 1986.
It is illuminated at night by a huge cross
The Larco Museum contains thousands of artifacts of Peru's indigenous people
Many civilizations predate the Incas who are most familiar to us
The artifacts are in pristine condition even after a thousand years because they were found in tombs
Hundreds of additional items are in storage areas
The Spanish conquistadors claimed that the king of Spain was
the rightful successor of the Indigenous kings and
Christianity should replace the native religion
This pyramid right in the middle of the city
spans several city blocks
Traveling a highway along the ocean. All beaches are public

We were always first to breakfast
Joe ended each day with desert